Friday 25 March 2011

Bristol city review – 18th – 20th March 2011

Eating Out (7/10) – lots of options being a big city, some nice looking places to try along the river, in particular around Watershed. Several high quality food places such as the Mint Hotel City Inn. 

Nightlife (8/10) – lots of nice bars along the river, but with it is higher prices for a drink, plus it seems a draw here for the Hen/Stag parties as seen with Nottingham. Lots of other nice smaller pubs around to avoid the crowds

Outdoors (6/10) – nice for attraction within old town and up around the suspension bridge, nice for walking along the river front

Romance (3/10) – more for a modern young crowd going out than for romance, but still nice on a sunny evening eating a meal along the river

Shopping (8/10) – very good range, from old town shops, to the very modern range within the new shopping development

Sight- seeing (6/10) – a range of activities, most notable the Cathedral, around Millennium square and the suspension bridge

Hotel (6/10) – very nice hotel, but given the choice the cheaper option turned out to be the one of better value

Communication/attitude (8/10) – all very nice people that we came across

Transport (4/10) – the city is not too large so the main old city and new town shopping area are both easy to walk to. Sites further out require a bus or car, the parking is a lot cheaper than Bath. We also tried out the city bus tour which once on took us on a 1 hour 30 min tour of the sites.  However this was meant to be a hop on hop of services for 24 hour period (£10 per ticket), but since we waited an hour to get on we decided best not to get back off the tour and be stranded for ages.  

Value for money (7/10) – lots to see and do for very little money, good shopping and cheaper hotel than other cities

Overall 63/100 = 63%

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