Thursday 12 May 2011

Poland 27th April: Walk 3B – Market square

Building around the square – the classical facades on a large number of the houses were the result of restoration work carried out from the 17th and the 19th centuries but retain many baroque stone doorways

Sukiennice (Textile warehouse) – this stands in the middle of the market square with its extremities at the north and south ends. Both the east and west facade are 100 meters long and extend symmetrically on either side of the entrance.

Inside the textile warehouse – the ground floor is full of wooden stalls and shops selling local crafts, the upper floors house the National gallery. 

Under the warehouse – museum depicting the history of the main square alone with the original foundations for the textile house

Church of the Virgin Mary – this gothic church is dedicated to the Assumption of the Virgin Mary and is the most significant monument in the market square. It is built entirely of hand-made bricks on a basilica plan with raised central nave and two lower side aisles. It took from 1350 to the 15th Century to complete the church.

The baroque portico in front of the main entrance reserved for worshipers, the tourist entrance is at the side of the church.

Monument to Adam Mickiewicz – monument to Poland’s greatest romantic poet, it’s very academic in style and is a very popular meeting point.  

Town hall tower – the only remaining fragment of the old town hall, the tower was remodelled after WW II

View atop the hall tower

Church of St Adalbert – church of Romanesque origin is dedicated to the patron saint Adalbert, Poland’s first saint, it was built around the 11 century

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