Saturday 21 May 2011

Krakow April 2011

Eating Out (9/10) – very cheap for food in restaurants, you can eat in the top quality places for the fraction of the price you would pay in similar place in other European countries. Beers was also the best drink option as wine was very expensive.

Nightlife (7/10) – lots of bars around the square open until the last man standing, a few clubs on the outskirts of town for a dance but these open only Fri/Sat

Outdoors (6/10) – a compact city it’s easy to see all the main sites walking around when the weather is good, there is lots to see but most of which are church related, but there is also the castle.

Romance (6/10) – with nice strolls around the square or walking around the city park there certainly some romance in the air

Shopping (7/10) – a brand new modern shopping complex is located above the main rail station, with three floors this mall certainly accommodates for most shopping needs

Sight- seeing (7/10) – most of the sites within the city are based around churches, however the old Ghetto with the synagogues gives an indication of the horrors of the war time. Moreover Schindler’s factory was really worth a visit.  Lots of tours to places on the outskirts of the city are worth considering, in particular the one to Auschwitz.

Hotel (6/10) – was basic in its set up, but one of the biggest spaced rooms we have been in while travelling in Europe, you get what you pay for as while basic it was just a few minutes from the main square.

Communication/attitude (8/10) – very nice people with very nice attitude, and all could speak English so communication was never a struggle. The only time you could get in trouble is if you insult their religion.  

Transport (6/10) – transport to the city from the airport was basic set up but easy (no train station just a platform at the airport). No transport was needed within the city as it’s so compact but trams easy to use if required.

Value for money (10/10) – excellent, the amount of money needed for a week here would last you only 2 days in Paris or London

Overall 72/100 =72 %

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