Wednesday 29 September 2010

Day 1 - Walk around Schloss Charlottenburg

The park surrounding the former royal summer residence in Charlottenburg is one of the most picturesque places in all of Berlin. The wings of this place house interesting exhibitions, plus on the occasion we past this area by a very posh wedding reception was occurring.

Area highlights –

Schloss Charlottenburg – originally a summer house for the Electoral Princess of Brandenburg, Sophie Charlotte.

Reiterdenkmal des Grossen Kurfursten – monument of the great elector.  

Schlosspark – Palace Park taking influence from English gardens. We come across some nice tame red squirrels within this park area.

Mausoleum – this was erected as a burial place for Queen Luise between 1810 and 1812 and contains other members of the royal family.

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