Thursday 30 September 2010

Day 1 - Walk around Potsdamer Platz

Although the name Platz actually mean square, there has never been one at this area. Instead it got its name in 1831 to fit in with the Potsdamer Tor (gate).  After the war this area was left a deserted wasteland close to the Berlin wall. Ten years after the fall of the wall the area was finally revived into the modern structures seen today. The new Manhattan of skyscrapers, most notably the Sony centre houses an entertainment hub.

Area highlights –

Potsdamer Platz – once one of the busiest plazas’s in Europe, now a variety of modern architecture, look in particular within the Sony centre has a huge glass dome  

Staatsbibliothek – state library built in 1978 (the tower look like has huge rubix cube on top).

Philharmonie – chamber music hall, this building is covered in golden aluminium and meant to look like a tent   

St-Mattaus-Kirche – 19th Century church with two toned brick layering

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