Tuesday 1 February 2011

Bletchley Park – 10th Jan 2011

Bletchley Park, also known as Station X, is an estate located in the small town of Bletchley, now incorporated within the boundaries of Milton Keynes. During WWII, this was the site of the UK main decryption establishment, the Government Code and Cypher School.  Ciphers and codes of several countries were decrypted here, most importantly those generated by the German Enigma machines.  

Main house: The Park is now a museum run by the Bletchley Park Trust and is open to public. The main manor house is also available for functions.

 Bombe rebuild project:  A faithful reconstruction of the machine that made breaking large numbers of Enigma messages possible on a regular basis.

 Bletchley Park Post Office:  tell the story of Bletchley Park using postage stamps and original artwork.

Colossus Rebuild project: an authentic rebuild of the world’s first semi-programmable computer

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